Nice post, both visually and verbally. Never discount the time spent with a parent. Knowing I could never call my mother enough, I got in the habit of calling her when I was cleaning up my paint palettes. Now that she's gone, I still think of her whenever I do this task and wish that I could call and talk to her again. It often felt like a burden or something on my "to-do" list, as did the many trips I made to visit and help her with things over the years. I grew weary at times regret getting short with her. As Emily Dickinson said, "Hold dear to your parents as it is a scary and confusing world without them."
Thank you, This was very helpful. I get impatient and it's too hard to call sometimes. But I know soon I won't be able to call at all so I need to take some deep breaths and just be present with this.
This post popped in my inbox at the perfect time because I'm also redefining what a "good art day" means to me as I start painting the art for my book. Lately hearing the dogs bark at my Blick's order and drawing cats from the couch is enough. 😊
Thanks Jennifer for sharing your honest thoughts and I'm looking forward to watching your Patreon video! I'm sure you know this already but you are amazing and are so so gifted whether you have "good" art day or "innovate" or "get things done" or not! You do you! :)
I love your artwork and zoom classes! Every day you are enough. Thinking about, doing any art builds ideas and will continue to. Best wishes and thanks for sharing Jennifer! I don't understand having to share profile and the rest....
Jennifer, thank you for your post. I am also travelling a lot to look after my mum and find it exhausting. I am really struggling with my art and try to do some everyday, but it is hard.
Sending a big hug and hope you can get lost in your art, even if it’s a bad art day.
Loved this post Jennifer. I have quite a few days in the art biz where I wonder what I got done. I've added meditation to the daily routine so that's helping change how I react to those thoughts. On another topic, I've bought a zoom class that you and Gayle did and want to do one with another artist. How did you set up the two cameras for each of you? You each have your overhead and then your face camera it seems and you've got all four in zoom and switch around pretty easily. I'd appreciate anything you can share!
We have hired a tech person to be there doing all this during class so we can concentrate on painting and teaching. It makes it much easier. You just hit spotlight on the square you want to highlight and it will go to that one. Good luck!
This was a great post. I feel the same way. I think that just having done one thing is progress as long as it is every day or most every day. I do feel best when I've had time in my sketchbook. Even if it didn't turn out. The paintings are beautiful and your upcoming events look amazing. Sending love.
It looks like you've been wonderfully creative.💖 Doing these things for our mums feels like a full time job doesn't it? Every day there's another thing to sort out and it's overwhelming for me too. Your paintings are absolutely gorgeous and I think you're amazing to be able to write this post let alone paint anything!💖 Love to you at this difficult time.
So much inspiration in this post... and so much I can relate to, Jen! Creating in my sketchbook brings so much joy and makes me feel okay about not painting everyday in my studio. Sometimes I just want to be outside and draw or oftentimes I don’t have time to get out all of my mixed media supplies. But I know color brings joy and just sitting with a sketchbook makes everything else fall into place 🌞
Jennifer, I'm so sorry you're in the season of overwhelm. Caring for an aging parent challenges on so many levels--physical, emotional, and spiritual. And it's especially hard and difficult when it involves long distance travel, which is anything more than a block. I was listening to John O'Donohue talking about the silent pools that lie underneath the choppy waves on the surface of lifein an On Being podcast. While you must spend time in the rough surf of the surface to deal with the Immediacies of life, may you will find pools of calm water and the peace and healing they offer.
Nice post, both visually and verbally. Never discount the time spent with a parent. Knowing I could never call my mother enough, I got in the habit of calling her when I was cleaning up my paint palettes. Now that she's gone, I still think of her whenever I do this task and wish that I could call and talk to her again. It often felt like a burden or something on my "to-do" list, as did the many trips I made to visit and help her with things over the years. I grew weary at times regret getting short with her. As Emily Dickinson said, "Hold dear to your parents as it is a scary and confusing world without them."
Thank you, This was very helpful. I get impatient and it's too hard to call sometimes. But I know soon I won't be able to call at all so I need to take some deep breaths and just be present with this.
This post popped in my inbox at the perfect time because I'm also redefining what a "good art day" means to me as I start painting the art for my book. Lately hearing the dogs bark at my Blick's order and drawing cats from the couch is enough. 😊
P.S. Even your quick studies are stunning!
Thank you! I know it’s important to just let the little things be just enough. Doing a book is such a big commitment, good luck!!!
Thanks Jennifer for sharing your honest thoughts and I'm looking forward to watching your Patreon video! I'm sure you know this already but you are amazing and are so so gifted whether you have "good" art day or "innovate" or "get things done" or not! You do you! :)
You’re so sweet Eunice, thank you!
the images in this post just brightened up my whole afternoon! so joyful - i can’t resist a colour wheel!
currently a good art day for me is simply managing a drawing a day. that’s been more of a challenge than i’d like to admit lately!
I know, sometimes even a 10 minute drawing feels undoable! Congratulations on accomplishing that!
I love your artwork and zoom classes! Every day you are enough. Thinking about, doing any art builds ideas and will continue to. Best wishes and thanks for sharing Jennifer! I don't understand having to share profile and the rest....
Thanks Vicki, (You don't have to share, it's just extra info included by substack to help growth, only if you want to)
Jennifer, thank you for your post. I am also travelling a lot to look after my mum and find it exhausting. I am really struggling with my art and try to do some everyday, but it is hard.
Sending a big hug and hope you can get lost in your art, even if it’s a bad art day.
Hug to you too Josephine, It's a lot and yes, every bit is worthwhile. I know deep down!
So lovely to read
Lovely to see
Love the art
It’s totally me!
Thanks so much Christine!
Loved this post Jennifer. I have quite a few days in the art biz where I wonder what I got done. I've added meditation to the daily routine so that's helping change how I react to those thoughts. On another topic, I've bought a zoom class that you and Gayle did and want to do one with another artist. How did you set up the two cameras for each of you? You each have your overhead and then your face camera it seems and you've got all four in zoom and switch around pretty easily. I'd appreciate anything you can share!
Thanks Suzanne,
We have hired a tech person to be there doing all this during class so we can concentrate on painting and teaching. It makes it much easier. You just hit spotlight on the square you want to highlight and it will go to that one. Good luck!
thanks Jennifer! Is this tech person someone you could refer me to? Maybe we can use them too. My email is if you prefer that.
This was a great post. I feel the same way. I think that just having done one thing is progress as long as it is every day or most every day. I do feel best when I've had time in my sketchbook. Even if it didn't turn out. The paintings are beautiful and your upcoming events look amazing. Sending love.
Thank you Hanna, Yes, just picking up a brush and doing 1 thing is sometimes a good accomplishment.
It looks like you've been wonderfully creative.💖 Doing these things for our mums feels like a full time job doesn't it? Every day there's another thing to sort out and it's overwhelming for me too. Your paintings are absolutely gorgeous and I think you're amazing to be able to write this post let alone paint anything!💖 Love to you at this difficult time.
Ha, I wrote this in bed the other night after I finished everything else and before sleep! We need to find those moments somehow! Thanks Jess!
Your paintings always make my day happier!
Thank you Mary!
So much inspiration in this post... and so much I can relate to, Jen! Creating in my sketchbook brings so much joy and makes me feel okay about not painting everyday in my studio. Sometimes I just want to be outside and draw or oftentimes I don’t have time to get out all of my mixed media supplies. But I know color brings joy and just sitting with a sketchbook makes everything else fall into place 🌞
Thank you Jennifer for everything you share, write, paint and teach!! I’m so glad that I found you & Gayle and I’ve signed up for your next class.
I’m so sorry that you have to go through these hard times with your Mom and I wish you strength!!
And I know how you feel because I’m one of the care takers of a very sick friend (she just turned 52), a single with no family whatsoever.
Sending lots of love.
Jennifer, I'm so sorry you're in the season of overwhelm. Caring for an aging parent challenges on so many levels--physical, emotional, and spiritual. And it's especially hard and difficult when it involves long distance travel, which is anything more than a block. I was listening to John O'Donohue talking about the silent pools that lie underneath the choppy waves on the surface of lifein an On Being podcast. While you must spend time in the rough surf of the surface to deal with the Immediacies of life, may you will find pools of calm water and the peace and healing they offer.
Great food for thought!