I feel like cold weather makes so many things harder. I love the idea of using it to slow down and reflect. A brilliant way to stay connected to your art.

Also, in LOVE with those loose landscapes! They warmed me right up. (Still don't want to get off this couch and work though. Teehee. But I do feel motivated to practice color mixing!)

Thanks for sharing. ❤️ Sending warm, peaceful vibes and holiday wishes your way.

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I agree and it's hard to admit that it's ok to ease into it and slow down. Color mixing is a good meditative exercise too, enjoy. Happy Holidays Beth!

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Dec 12, 2023Liked by Jennifer Orkin Lewis

I loved what you shared! I relate too much to that. I feel like when the weather is warm I can do my stuff and there is no conscious effort to improve my mood. Nonetheless, winter is always about: try to go outside before it's too dark, turn the lights on before 4 pm so you don't feel it's night already, don't relax too much before bedtime otherwise you will fall asleep...

I think I will also benefit from switching to a snail's pace. Great idea! Thank you!

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I sometimes get into bed at 8pm in winter! It always seems like night.. Thanks for writing!

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Dec 12, 2023Liked by Jennifer Orkin Lewis

Thank you, Jennifer. This is just what I needed to read today.

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I love the phrase about looking for patterns in life. As a 62 year old life time painter I have found it’s the twists and turns, the productive and the fallow times that determine an artist’s journey - and recognising when to go slower is so important 💙

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Well said! And it's interesting to look back on the whole picture and see it come together.

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Sep 24Liked by Jennifer Orkin Lewis

Beautiful piece of writing and inspiring!

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Thanks Lilla!

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Jan 3·edited Jan 3Liked by Jennifer Orkin Lewis

Oh, how I can relate! I was born in the tropics so winter is the most grueling thing. But after years of dreading and suffering, I, too, decided to see how I could "enjoy" it. So I am paying attention more to the beauty (such as how amazing the sky gets and the fog, which I love), than how dirty the house gets and how the constant rain, instead of washing away everything, makes the dirt and grime stay in place, just wet and disgusting. It's not easy. I can always not wear my glasses and not see the details I just described. It helps to remember that I'm not the only one feeling this way. It helps to remember that other people are suffering even more, (this may be a cold-hearted technique but it works) which makes me more accepting because my situation could be worse.

Mind you, I live in simple and precarious ways, w/o many conveniences that others have so I do notice more of the harshness of winter. The way you picture yourself looking indoors is how I live, and how I sleep, but I go further by wearing 2 pants. Oh, and in my quest to "enjoy" winter, 2 things I've noticed that I do love: one is how amazing it feels to wake up, go outside (where my water is) and spash the very cold water in my face. You should try this if you can. The other thing is how alive it makes me feel to walk outside. The cold hitting my body, sometimes under the rain, sometimes having to get out when it's also very windy...these weather events make me feel alive! the word is exhilarating. And it's only because I can go back inside to the heater that I feel this way. If I had to feel that all of the time, i'd be miserable.

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You are so BRAVE!! I'm not sure I could even splash cold water on my face!!! But I get it, feeling alive, and a warm home to return to. We need to embrace what we have and do our best!! Thank you!

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I’m right there with you with winter Jen 💖 Also trying to appreciate and enjoy and take the time to hibernate and slow down which is so often hard. Happy to meet another Sagittarius (mine is today) 🎊

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Happy Birthday Juliette!

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Thank you! Happy birthday to you as well 💓

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Dec 13, 2023Liked by Jennifer Orkin Lewis

Love this!

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Thanks Robin, Have a great holiday.

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Dec 13, 2023Liked by Jennifer Orkin Lewis

Happy Early Birthday, Jennifer!

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Thanks Jessica!!!

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I love this, Jennifer. Thank you for sharing. It is amazing how things come full circle. And I can relate to the cold weather feelings!

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Thanks Sam, I know, and it's hard to believe that they arent always obvious links. It takes work.

And Brr to winter. Today is a bit better at least!

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Wonderful post Jennifer. I can definitely see parallel similarities of your past and present work. Beautiful. I can so relate to moments of epiphany that inform what fuels my creativity. I find myself getting more in touch with it as time goes by. Don’t you? Happy Birthday!

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I totally get the hibernation feeling in winter, have to remind myself the days will get longer soon. I enjoyed your reflecting on your paintings from school to now how the past links to the present. Keep warm.

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Love your thoughts/reflections - all resonated completely. Brilliant: “ This winter I’m happily gong to stay warm, reflect, slow down and make choices that circle back to the who I am.”

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deletedDec 12, 2023Liked by Jennifer Orkin Lewis
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Happy Birthday Kellie!

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Dec 12, 2023Liked by Jennifer Orkin Lewis

Happy birthday ladies! 64 looks fabulous on you 🥰

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Thanks Eunice!!

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and I'm a week younger than Jennifer! Happy birthday!

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And happy Birthday to you too. All these holiday babies!!

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