Hi Everyone,
I haven’t painted much for myself in a while. Yup, this bothers me but I have a lot of things going on in my life right now that are pretty all-consuming. One of which is that my Mom isn’t doing well at all, I have been back and forth to Florida to see her and I am dealing with new issues every day. I have painted her a few times over the years and today I pulled out this adorable picture of her as a teenager. I found it so comforting to spend time doing this, I plan to do more. She looks a bit surly but she was a teenager right?!
Here is the video: I should have recorded this one sideways so the black bars aren’t there but I guess I’m distracted…
We have a new Zoom Workshop coming!
May 11th 1-3 EST // People and Gardens
Join us for a spring-inspired Zoom workshop : People and Gardens. We will be painting a woman in a garden, a woman wearing a dress with a garden pattern, or a garden with multiple people in it... we always explore lots of ideas before we land on the idea that feels best to paint with you! From now until then we’ll be painting up a storm, practicing, and coming up with ideas that we want to share. After our painting demo, we always show this process of deciding what we will paint - giving you a peek into our creative process. The workshop will begin with a short show and tell from each of us, showing what we're working on currently as well as our sketchbooks. For each of our 40-minute painting demos, we will show different ways that we paint people in scenes, using photo reference. You'll get our photo reference a few days before the workshop.
If you can't make it on May 11 there is a video-only option. EVERYONE from the live class will also get the video.
I’m keeping this brief today, Hope to see you May 11th!
xxx, Jennifer
Sorry to hear about your mom, Jennifer. I went through that for several years with my mother--she was in Florida (alone, in nursing care, since my dad passed away), I live near Chicago, and it was tough getting down there. I was with her for her 100th birthday last October, for which I was grateful--we had cupcakes, balloons, and presents, and lots of cards from many friends. She passed away a few weeks after I left. There's no easy way to say goodbye to your mother--praying that your mom will be at peace, whatever her condition, and that you will be given strength to handle whatever comes. Your picture of her is lovely, and very teen-ager-ish! :-)
This is such a great idea! I was just at my mom’s and I took a lot of pictures of old pictures of her as a teenager and youngster. Thank you for the inspiration. Love your mom and her dress and your painting. A lot of feelings too.