Last Chance to Join Mona Lisa Zoom Class
Paint the Mona Lisa your way, a fun winter activity! And my new everyday drawing project.
We are going to have a great afternoon painting tomorrow; Saturday, January 13th, 1-3 EST. Gayle and I are looking forward to seeing you! We are reinterpreting the Mona Lisa in our styles. I am working on a version where she will be (hopefully!) recognizable as the Mona Lisa, but most definitely very wonky. Gayle will be using the painting as a starting point to create her vision. Both ways are absolutely acceptable, with no pressure. We have a “No Rules” philosophy and strive to make class a fun and great break from everyday life.
In my practice and exploration to prepare for the class I experimented with lots of styles and techniques. I’m not sure what painting will emerge from me during class, but I know it will be entertaining and informative. This class is donation only, We want it to be accessible for everyone so please pay what you can. Everyone is welcome, kids too!
We will begin by showing some current work and sketchbooks. You will have the opportunity to see our painting process, and paint along with us or just watch. You will have a chance to ask us questions in the chat. While Gayle is painting Jennifer will monitor the chat and relay questions and Gayle will do the same while Jennifer paints. We paint with Acryla gouache, but you are welcome to paint or draw with anything that you have.
*We will donate a portion of proceeds to our local foodbanks which is NYC for me
I started a daily drawing exercise this year. I’ve wanted to draw on the go, for so long but I can’t seem to make a habit of it. Here are my rules: It must be something live that I’m looking at, not a photo or a computer image. I only need to draw for a short time, they are averaging 10 minutes right now, and 1 a day. I’m stamping them with the date too which feels like a big exclamation point. That’s it, it seems simple. We will see how it goes, Here are a few.
Day 1 went well! My brother had a Japanese New Year’s celebration, I drew the group.
I love drawing packaging so that will be a go-to, the musician was playing in Grand Central Station so I stopped and drew him. Only one person watched me and she smiled so it wasn’t too bad. You need to be brave drawing out in the wild.
I’ve been adding the color with neocolors when I get home.
Dinner with friends. I’m starting to have trouble with this stamp on the vase page!
Yup, Having stamping issues.. Oh well, it keeps it real.
I’ll share more soon and discuss some of the struggles.
Have a great week!!!
You're my new Yoyo Ma. He played in the subway and only one person stopped to listen!
I love painting on the go and it’s something I return to often. It’s always grounding and helps me see things in new ways and really be present. This workshop sounds so fun... I love your paintings! ❤️