Last Chance for this Sunday's Zoom Workshop
March 3rd 1-3 EST we will be painting people doing what they do in their spaces.
We are excited to bring back the most popular theme we’ve taught in our classes. This Sunday we will focus on painting one or a few people incorporated into a scene. The workshop will begin with a short show and tell from each of us, showing what we're working on currently as well as our sketchbooks from Oaxaca. For each of our 40-minute painting demos, we will show different ways that we paint people in a place. I am taking you to a colorful street in India and
is painting a yummy scene from a cafe in Oaxaca. Using photo reference we simplify the details and show how we interpret our reference.You will have the opportunity to see our painting process, and either paint along with us or just watch. While we paint you can ask questions in the chat where we will monitor them and try to answer everything.
We love keeping these Zoom workshops donation-based so they are accessible to everyone. Please keep in mind that we work hard to give you great classes, so we appreciate that those of you who can afford to pay more will do so, and this helps those who can afford less!
We suggest a minimum of $20, but we understand that may not be possible for everybody. Please be honest and pay what you can afford.
Everyone who signs up will receive the recording within 1 week of class and has lifetime access.
For International Women’s Month, we will be donating a portion of our proceeds to Vital Voices, an organization that supports and empowers women in leadership positions.
I spent a few hours sketching at The National Arts Club in NYC with Gayle. It is such a lovely old-world place and was exactly what I needed. Drawing and drinking tea.
Be well everyone and hope to see many of you on Sunday.
Looking forward to painting people in their spaces. I have been to India, Pakistan and Morocco so hope to have collection of paintings for a friends when I finish. Thanks for this opportunity both of you.
Looking forward to your next painting class!